Tuesday, May 5, 2009

swine flu

I tried to ignore it.

I really did.

I wasn't going to say anything about the latest health scare that seems to have the entire world up in arms, or at least face masks.

The unbelievable behaviour of some other persons and countries has taken away my mute button.

I heard of one case where a parent called a school to say "Johnny Soandso is in Mexico with his parents right now. What are you going to do when he comes home?" (Lock him up of course and throw away the key!). Why are we (as a race) so quick to quarantine people who may, just may, have been in contact with someone who had this virus?

Why are some of us willing to slaughter pigs just because they are pigs? Has anyone heard of any real, scientifically verified cases of people getting this flu from eating pork? I haven't.

Why are we so surprised at the spread of this virus? We place ourselves into small tin cans and ship ourselves all over the world. It is bound to happen that illnesses will be shared and spread and even cause some of us to lose our lives. It is no longer a great big world. You can get anywhere in a matter of hours or days. Bugs only take a while to develop and spread.

But an even bigger question in my mind is this. If we could only get the WHO and governments and media types world wide to spend as much time and energy on worrying about and fighting AIDS as they are on this flu, how soon could we put an end to that condition?

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