Friday, April 17, 2009


It's communicators week!

I could bore you with long rambling statements about when and why to call 911...

I could regale you with tales about my co-workers...

I could complain about the stress of my job...

Not gonna do it.


Today I have another issue that is boggling my brain...

Why don't people move over to the side of the road to let emergency vehicles pass?

I can't understand this.

What if it was your house that was on fire? Your loved one in a car accident or having a heart attack? Your business being robbed?

Wouldn't you want the fastest, safest response possible?

I know I would.

1 comment:

Anglea said...

Well said Alice.
I totally agree with you.
I drive the highway everyday and I always see people not moving over and it really gets my blood pressure up.
I often thing what people would do if it was going to affect them.
People need to GET out of the way.*S*
Thank you for doing your job and keeping us all safer.