Friday, April 3, 2009


Imagine trying to completely change your life.

Now imagine trying to do it all alone.

I was at the clinic last week for one of the many tests you undergo in the beginning. There were a few people in the waiting room but it wasn't too busy. I couldn't help but notice the woman who was there for her first visit. On this day you get weighed, measured and your breathing is tested. Then you are back to the waiting room. Lots of papers to fill out and you are off to meet the dietitian for the first time. No meal plans yet, just a check in and some more paperwork. Back to the waiting room until the doctor can see you. While you are waiting the reception staff try to book your next appointments so you can get your testing done quickly and get started with your new life.

There are a lot of appointments at first. This woman I noticed is doing her paperwork while her partner is sitting there looking all miserable. The receptionist is trying to book an appointment for her for the next day for some of the tests. She checks with this male and his response? "I was planning on sleeping in tomorrow, make it for some other day."

I feel for her. This journey is going to be tough enough without having someone sabotage her efforts. I wish her all the best.

I can't even begin to imagine how horrible this would be if I had to do it with someone negative around me. It is involved. You have to plan your day. You have to weigh and measure every bite you put into your mouth. You have to write it all down to show the dietitian.

But it works. I really think now before I eat anything. Is it carb heavy? Enough protein? Any fiber? And I thought checking for sugar content was a pain!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't this jackass know that its a win win situation for him too?

the less anonymous cousin thing said...

i was planning on sleeping in?!

well, buddy, im sooo sorry your bitchtastic wife thought it would be fun to become diabetic so they she would be able to spend the next , what, 3? 6? months dragging YOU around and ruining YOUR precious good night's sleep to go to invasive appointments where she will be told everything she is doing is wrong, and forced to completely change her lifestyle.

.. it amazing how many people the world can singularly revolve around..

the less anonymous cousin thing